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The four humors permeate through the human body. Everyone has a little of each, but there are typically imbalances that lead to sickness or weakness. Luckily for your characters, these humors have been repurposed and restored to add stat boosts and extraordinary abilities. Alongside each humor's abilities, the physical form will change as you harness your skills. One can only train and master one of the three abilities at a time, but with practice, an individual can harness all three abilities of their humor. 






The hot and wet. This humor is often associated with life and vitality, the warmth beneath every heartbeat. Those who possess the blood humor usually have an over-abundance of optimism, enthusiasm, and affection. If they weren't predisposed to these qualities in their past life, this humor may inspire growth in their next. Blood humors may have extra abilities in terms of empathy, attraction, and breath. 


Mastering empathy takes interaction and connection. Those with talent in empathy can easily read others' emotions and behaviors. Situations and evaluations come easily to them. They are known to be able to read auras and "predict the future". They are much more connected to the spiritual plane and may find themselves being overwhelmed by large groups of people or masses of negative energy.

(+1 Ubiety) 

Blood humors with mastery of attraction tend to be great manipulators. They can manipulate the feelings of others and instill a sense of heightened interest or adoration for an individual or object. With enough energy, a master of attraction may be able to completely possess the affections of another individual for a short period of time. 

(+1 Charisma)

Perhaps the most physical mastery that a blood humor can possess. They can influence themselves or others to enter meditative states through breathing and restore mental fortitude. This can also be harnessed for evil, and breath can be restricted. With enough focus, a master of breath may be able to steal the breath from an individual's lungs or suffocate a small creature.

(+1 Fortitude) 


The most physical of each phlegm humor abilities, mastery of flexibility means an emboldened fortitude and focus. While using this ability, one can easily avoid direct attacks and navigate difficult situations without losing Ubiety or Health. They are flexible physically and mentally, but this flexibility cannot extend past the self. 

(+1 Focus)


The cold and wet. This humor is often associated with protection and purity, stoic protector against the odds. Those who possess the phlegm humor usually have an over-abundance of sensitivity, devotion, or lethargy. If they weren't predisposed to these qualities in their past life, this humor may inspire growth in their next. Phlegm humors have extra abilities in terms of elimination, nourishmentand flexibility


The most offensive stance any humor can possess. Elimination is the mastery of complete absolution. A master of elimination can dissolve parts of reality itself. It is an extremely risky and detrimental ability and tends to only be used in dire situations. If a master of elimination uses their ability, something is stripped from their own being. It may be physical or mental, there is no precise science to it. But for every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction.

(+1 Fortitude) 

Just as elimination takes, the phlegm humor can replenish. Masters of nourishment can restore health and mental fortitude to those lacking. They can draw health out of sickness and enhance stability in any individual or object. They can mend and make anew, pulling new cells or reparations out of thin air. This is a nurturing ability.
(+1 Ubeity)

Yellow bile

The hot and dry. This humor is often associated with eradication and power. Those who possess the yellow bile humor usually have an over-abundance of irritability, excitement, and ambition. If they weren't predisposed to these qualities in their past life, this humor may inspire growth in their next. Yellow bile humors have extra abilities in terms of empowerment, enervationand heat. 


The mastery of giving power. Those with the ability of empowerment are often in positions of power and influence. They can easily turn the tides and endow fortitude and passion into an individual. This is not limited to mental strength- Yellow bile humors with mastery in empowerment can physically enhance any being for a period of time. This, unfortunately, comes at the price of their own strength. 

(+1 Fortitude)

Those with mastery of enervation specialize in the collection of energy. They have the power to sap away and limit the abilities of other humors. They can "steal" the physical or mental energy and repurpose it as their own. Some would describe it as being overpowered or drained by the yellow bile humor.

(+1 Focus)

The more physical ability for yellow bile dominant humors. They can emanate heat higher than typical warm-blooded mammal's temperature. Depending on their focus and fortitude, they can radiate up to 100° C / 212° F. Without careful practice, those with this ability may find themselves having trouble interacting with the physical world. (There are biological side effects as well.)

(+1 Ubiety)

Black bile

The cold and dry. This humor is often associated with solidity and strength. Those who possess the black bile humor usually have an over-abundance of melancholy, realism, and caution. If they weren't predisposed to these qualities in their past life, this humor may inspire growth in their next. Black bile humors have extra abilities in terms of retention, condensation, and cold. 


Black bile humors with mastery in retention not only have amazing memory but also extraordinary resilience. They are often the tanks of their group, being able to take many more hits (mentally and physically) than most. When using this ability, they get more out of their memories (in terms of currency) and a boost in fortitude. It comes at a price, as every hit will be remembered in great detail as well. 

(+1 Fortitude)

Mastery in condensation alludes to higher attention and perception. When using this ability, black bile humors can condense information about other people, settings, and crucial hints that others would typically miss. They are able to see the most concise and short versions of things as practically as possible. This may lead to a bleak outlook on life.

(+1 Comprehension)

Mastery in cold mirrors the yellow bile humor's mastery of heat. Black bile humors with this ability have the ability to chill their body completely. They can radiate cold down to 0 °C / 32 °F. Just as with mastery of heat, this can affect one's interaction with the physical world if left unchecked. (There are biological side effects as well.)

(+1 Ubiety)

> all the best, PAUL  

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